Please note that booking a studio with us is an implicit acceptance of our Terms and Conditions, including our cancellation policy. Once a studio booking or other appointment is made with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. If you cancel your appointment more than 24 hours, but less than three days (72 hours) before it is scheduled to take place, you will be subject to a fee of 25% of the initial total booking charge, which will be reduced to 15% only in the event that the booking is immediately rescheduled at the time of cancellation.
If you cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice, or fail to appear at your booked appointment, you will be liable to pay 100% of the total fee. We try to be as understanding as possible with our customers; if a situation arises that means you need to cancel, please try and provide us with the maximum amount of notice.
You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing us at, or by calling our office at 0113 479 0774
Yorkshire Podcast Studios (YPS) is a politically neutral organisation which welcomes a wide range of clients. We believe in free speech and the showcasing of viewpoints across the political and moral spectrums, with the following caveats:
We reserve the right to cancel your booking without notice if we believe our studios will be used to produce content which could be deemed an incitement to violence, terrorism, racism, xenophobia, interethnic hatred or inter-religious hatred. We also reserve these rights if we believe the content being created is in any way illegal, including (but not limited to) breaches of defamation, hate speech, harassment or copyright law.
If a serious breach of these terms takes place during a recording session, such that it results in a session’s early termination by a YPS staff member, the full booking fee will apply. Any decisions taken by a staff member on-site may be appealed in the first instance to the YPS Managing Editor.
The scheduled recording time will mark the start time of the chargeable period, even if the recording party is not present. An overrun in the recording will be chargeable at 25% of the hourly rate for each full or partial 10-minute period. Overruns of more than 15 minutes may not be permitted where there are other following studio or producer commitments.
The recording fee is usually required 100% up-front. If there are circumstances which may cause the booking fees and booking terms to change (such as not knowing whether a visual service is required, not being able to know how long a recording may last etc) please let us know at the time of booking.
Long-term repeat customers may be allowed to pay in arrears. Please ask our team.
If any additional services are required for your booking (such as post-production work or editing) please give us the maximum possible notice.
In the unlikely event that we have difficulties honouring your booking, we promise to be in touch to inform you as soon as possible, and to refund or rebook your session as a priority.
If there is a problem during your session, either with the recording itself or with our equipment, we will offer to move you immediately to an alternative studio of equivalent or higher quality where available. If you do not accept this offer, you will be offered a full refund or rebooking instead.
Unlike most podcast studios, we don’t allow our studios to be hired half an hour before or after another booking. This allows for a studio wipedown and gives each party a “bedding-in” period, while still allowing your use of the studio for the full timeslot. Additional hand gel and antibacterial wipes are also available on request.
Free hot and cold drinks are provided as part of our service. We also have access to a shared on-site kitchen; please ask for access if required. Drinks may be taken into the studios if you wish, but lidded cups/containers are recommended to avoid any spillage and related cleaning penalties. We would ask you to refrain from eating in the studios.
Communal toilet facilities and step-free lift access are also available.
By booking a space at YPS, you acknowledge that the company has the right to record the sound, image and likenesses of you and your guests when on its premises.
By entering a studio during a booked recording session, each presenter and guest confirms that they are a willing participant in the recording. It is the responsibility of the presentation team to ensure that any remote guests (i.e. participants in the recording who are not on YPS property) consent to take part in these recordings.
YPS will not in any way own or make claims to the content created within its studios, but may use still images or limited segments of recordings (each no more than 20 seconds in length) for its own marketing purposes.
In the event that a late request has been made for additional services, an additional charge has been made for a recording overrun, a cleaning or breakage penalty has been applied, or if YPS has allowed a recording session to take place without upfront payment, an invoice will be created with monies due within 14 days. Invoices that remain unpaid past this 14 day period will be liable to interest, plus a penalty charge of not less than £50. YPS reserves the right to take immediate legal action for any invoices that remain unpaid after a further 7 days.
YPS reserves the right not to release or deliver audio or video files until full payment for the session has been made.
The client’s session booker is responsible for the behaviour of the presenters and guests while in Woodhead House and the YPS studios. The booker will be liable for any repair or replacements to equipment, fixtures or fittings caused by the irresponsible use of presenters and guests during their session.
Any threats or violence towards any member of the YPS team will be treated very seriously. We reserve the right to end any session without refund and to pursue civil and criminal actions against any group or individual involved in such behaviour.
Any equipment lost, damaged or stolen by member(s) of a recording will be payable by the booker at its full replacement cost. Professional cleaning fees for damage to furnishing, such as stains on carpets, desktops etc will also be payable by the booker.
Smoking (including e-cigarettes and vaping) is prohibited at Woodhead House, including within YPS areas. If any member of a recording group is found to be smoking, excessively drinking or using non-prescription drugs within these areas, it is at the discretion of the YPS staff member on duty whether the participant or the entire group will be asked to leave the premises. In this event, no refunds will be given.
Any complaints about the YPS facilities or staff can be made at any time to either the session producer or the YPS Managing Editor.
The session booker is responsible for communicating these Terms and Conditions to all presenters and guests who will appear on their broadcasts.
It is the responsibility of the session booker to ensure that presenters and guests are familiar with the Woodhead House fire and emergency policies, which are posted around the building.
Ignorance of the contents of these Terms and Conditions will not be admissible as a defence to the sanctions contained within, nor a grounds for which to take any legal actions against the company.